Tangent products are coming…


We will be distributors of the internationally renowned Tangent brand of audio products in Australia. As a matter of fact, we have a new shipment arriving very, very soon! If you pre-order now, we will make sure your order ships out as soon as stock has arrived-which is expected to be in mid-March.

Tangent is a Danish company specialized in audio design for more than 50 years. Famous for product design and quality manufacturing, Tangent has won many worldwide press awards.

Make sure to checkout our entire range of Tangent products.

The image above? Well, this is the cover of our upcoming March Electronics & Components newsletter – which you can browse here. The painting is the the first official portrait of the Danish royal family in 125 years. Queen Margrethe II commissioned the work–with the painter Thomas Klug spending 4 years on the project. The painting features the 2nd in line to the throne–8 year old Christian. The painting caused controversy with some likening the appearance of Christian to Damien, the possessed orphan from the 1976 film, The Omen. On the front cover, we’ve decided to swap poor Christian with our possessed boss. Mike’s celebrating the arrival of the first shipment of Tangent, direct from Denmark.